Frequently Asked Questions


Where is your office and what are your hours?

The Oxford Real Estate office is located at 19 South Beech Street. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 9am-5pm.


How do I connect/disconnect my/our utilities?

You may contact the appropriate utility companies by calling the numbers below, or visit our Links of Interest page for links to some of the companies listed.

City of Oxford (water, sewer, trash) 513-524-5221
Duke Energy (electric) 800-544-6900
Hamilton Utilities 513-785-7100
Glenwood Energy (gas) 513-523-2555
Spectrum (Cable) 855-234-4898
Frontier (telephone) 877-462-8188


What is the earliest date I can move in?

Please refer to the first and second page of your lease agreement. Most semester leases begin the Wednesday prior to the start of classes.


Is it possible to move in or place items in the property before my lease begins?



When I arrive in Oxford, how do I pick up keys and move in?

You are required to report to our office at 19 South Beech Street, during normal business hours, where you will go through the check-in process. As long as ALL deposits, rents and required paperwork have been received, your keys will be issued. The first tenant to check-in will receive the Move-In Packet for the property. The Move-In Inspection Sheet is due within 2 days of the 1st tenant checking in to the property otherwise it is null and void.

If you or your roommates attempt to access your property prior to your lease starting date or before checking in at our office at 19 South Beech Street, you will be subject to arrest.


I'm going to be in town, can I stop by and measure the rooms and windows before I move in?

No, leased properties are not available to be viewed during the summer months, unless they are still available for rent. Instead, you may contact our office to request a copy of the floor plan of the property, if one has been provided by the property owner.


Pay Online

You MUST have a signed lease to register.  NO REFUNDS unless specified in a signed lease agreement.